Orthophotography Project Samples

High Resolution Orthophotography from Aircraft


Aeroquest Mapcon was contracted to provide 5 cm pixel resolution colour orthophotography and high density LiDAR (20 ppm²) for area covering 147 km².

  • Captured early spring for leaf-off conditions

  • Horizontal accuracy of 12.5 cm RMSE (x,y)

  • LiDAR vertical accuracy  of 10 cm RMSE in non-vegetated areas

  • 4-band (R,G,B,NiR) orthophotography

  • 43 ground control points and 30 check points were acquired to maintain and check data accuracy.

Large area orthophotography from Aircraft


Aeroquest Mapcon was contracted over a 5 year period to provide orthophotography from an aircraft platform for 591,670 km² with 62.5 cm pixel resolution imagery.

  • The remote nature of the project and lack of existing ground control required a reliance on Airborne GPS and IMU for model generation. 

  • DEM was collected photogrammetrically in the form of mass points and breaklines to support the production of orthophotography.

  • Both colour and near infrared imagery was delivered.

High Resolution Orthophotography from UAV


Aeroquest Mapcon was contracted to provide high resolution UAV orthophotography for a shoreline area for erosion monitoring.

  • 2 cm pixel resolution orthophotography

  • Delivery of 3D point cloud data/digital surface model, generated by image correlation

Very High Resolution Orthophotography from UAV


Aeroquest Mapcon was contracted to provide high resolution orthophotography and point cloud for a houseboat foundation.

  • 0.5 cm pixel resolution orthophotography

  • Delivery of 3D point cloud data/digital surface model, generated by image correlation.

Natural Colour Orthophotography from Satellite


Aeroquest Mapcon was contracted to provide orthorectified satellite imagery for approximately 265 km² in eastern Canada

  • 50 cm pixel, 3-band (RGB) image

  • Pleiades satellite

Natural Colour, Near Infrared, NDVI orthophotography


Aeroquest Mapcon was contracted to provide 4-band orthophotography for a tree canopy survey covering 423 km². Image showing natural colour, near infra red, and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI).

  • 15 cm natural colour and near infra red

  • New tree canopy collection in 3D softcopy environment

  • Classification of 25,579 predetermined sample points of tree status (live, dead, none)